
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas inaugurated Echelon I-level officials for five formations at the Ministry of Religion.

The inauguration procession took place at the HM Rasji Auditorium at the Ministry of Religion Office, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 16.

As witnesses to the signing of the minutes, Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion Nizar and Director General of Islamic Education Muhammad Ali Ramdhani were also present at the inauguration, Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi and a number of echelon I officials, special staff, expert staff, and experts. Minister of Religion, as well as echelon II officials of the Ministry of Religion.

The official appointed by the Minister of Religion advised and emphasized that he should hold fast to the oath of office that had just been pronounced.

"Brothers were promoted and elected after going through a series of stages of selection, final competency and assessment tests involving external elements outside the Ministry of Religion so that decisions made were more objective, transparent and accountable," said the Minister of Religion quoted from the ministry's website.

"Work with full dedication, and be an example for the work environment and society," continued the Minister of Religion.

The Minister of Religion asked his staff to avoid all acts and behaviors that are contrary to the rule of law, religious teachings and moral values.

"Keep the integrity and good name of the person and institution in every step of the brothers and sisters. As officials and State Civil Apparatus, we must be able to place an interest in maintaining the unity of the state and nation as well as inter-religious harmony above personal interests, groups and groups," he said. Gus Men, his nickname.

The Minister of Religion also asked the entire Ministry of Religion's extended family to step up in a solid line, namely the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, not the ranks of groups, groups, and so on.

The list of names of the inaugurated Echelon I officials:

1. Faisal Becomes Inspector General

2. Jeane Marie Tulung becomes Director General of Christian Community Guidance

3. I Nengah Duija becomes Director General of Hindu Community Guidance

4. Supriyadi became Director General of Community Guidance

5. Suyitno became Head of the Research and Development and Training Agency

Previously, the mutations made by the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas against six echelon I officials, namely the Inspector General, Head of Balitbang-Diklat, Director General of Guidance; Christians, Catholics, Hindus, and Buddhists, had created polemics.

Whereas Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion Nizar Ali said on December 21 last year, mutations were a common thing for organizational refreshment. The Minister of Religion as the Personnel Guidance Officer (PPK) has the authority to transfer his organization's personnel with various considerations, one of which is refreshment.

The Minister of Religion also has the authority not to convey the reason for the transfer to the person concerned. Transfers are also also, he said, in the context of strengthening and increasing capacity.

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