
BABEL - The Pangkalpinang National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) continues to search for Rizky (15), a fisherman from KM Bedal who went missing in Tuing Waters, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency.

Head of the Class B Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Office, I Made Oka Astawa, said the second day of the search for victims was carried out by a joint team divided into two teams.

Team I will search for victims using rubber boats with a search area of 95 Nm2. Meanwhile, team 2 will use a "creeping line" search pattern using fishing boats with a search area of 95 Nm2.

"We will continue to search for victims at sea and search the mainland such as the coast, if the victim is found, they will be immediately taken to the Riau Silip Health Center or the nearest health center," he said in a statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, September 16.

Weather conditions at the search location are predicted to be sunny so that it is hoped that the search process will be maximized and immediately find victims.

The search for victims began at 07.00 WIB involving several SAR elements, including the "rescuer" of the Pangkalpinang SAR Office as many as five people, the Muntok SAR Alert Unit three people, the Bangka Police Polair personnel four people.

Then assisted by Babinsa personnel, Tuing Village, three Bangka B rifle Company, seven Bangka BPBD personnel, four KMegal crew members and three members of the victim's family.

Rizky was reported missing after the ship was suspected of having an engine failure, then one of the crew members or friends of the victim tried to repair it.

However, suddenly there was a strong wind, so the ship he was traveling in experienced a shock and it was suspected that the victim was thrown or fell into the sea.

The search was carried out by the SAR or Basarnas team since receiving a report of Rizky's disappearance in the waters of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province on Wednesday, September 14.

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