
JAKARTA - The KPK considers that the summons of former KSAU Agus Supriatna should not be a polemic. A middle ground will be sought so that an examination as a witness for alleged corruption in the procurement of the AW-101 Helicopter can be carried out.

"In my opinion, the issue of summoning (ex, red) KSAU is not a polemic. Later I, as the person in charge of taking action, will coordinate as soon as possible and I will find a solution," said KPK Deputy for Enforcement and Execution Karyoto to reporters, Friday, September 16.

Karyoto wants his subordinates to immediately ask for information from Agus. The goal is that the alleged corruption case in the procurement area of the Indonesian Air Force can be investigated thoroughly.

"The point is, if it is possible to get information as soon as possible, it has been completed. For me, there is no conflict there, come here. There is no need for that," he said.

"The important thing is what the coordination will be, we will find a middle ground," continued Karyoto.

As previously reported, the KPK again summoned Agus today, Thursday, September 15. This is the second summons after he was not present at the first summons.

However, Agus did not show his nose at the KPK. Instead, his attorney, Teguh Samudra, was present to submit a letter to the KPK.

Teguh also said that the call to his client did not comply with the rules. The KPK should first ask for permission from Agus' institution.

"This summons is not in accordance with the procedure, it is not in accordance with the instructions of the commander in chief, and nor the law that applies to the military," Teguh told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 15.

He argued that Agus was being investigated regarding the alleged corruption that occurred while he was in office. Thus, the summons must be known to the TNI.

"So the KPK should also respect fellow institutions, fellow institutions, we should know about things like that, we don't need to teach it," said Teguh.

"Don't be equated (with other institutions, ed) just tell them to read the provisions in the military, what the provisions are, there's a lex specialist like that. It's simple," he continued.

In this case, the KPK has named the Director of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri Irfan Kurnia Saleh or John Irfan Kenway as suspects. He was detained at the KPK Detention Center at the KPK's Merah Putih building.

The KPK suspects that Irfan as a private party is actively holding meetings with the Indonesian Air Force and committing a number of frauds.

Among other things, receiving a payment of 100 percent of the contract value. In fact, there are several types of work that do not match specifications such as not installing cargo doors and the number of seats on helicopters that are not appropriate.

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