
BEKASI - Six commercial sex workers were caught in a raid on community ills held by the Bekasi Regency Satpol PP, West Java on Inspeksi Street Kalimalang and Jalan Sultan Hasanudin.

"We have brought six sex workers," said the acting Head of the Bekasi Regency Satpol PP, Deni Mulyadi in Cikarang, Friday, September 16.

He said the six comfort women who were detained by officers were young, ranging from 18-24 years old. Three of them were registered as residents of Bekasi Regency while the other three came from outside the area.

The six sex workers who were caught in the raid were then taken to the Bekasi Regency Satpol PP Office for data collection. After that, officers sent them to the Tuna Susila Social Rehabilitation Institution, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta.

"In that orphanage they will get coaching and training to have skills so that when they leave they will not return to being comfort women," he said as quoted by Antara.

This raid is in the context of follow-up to information and public reports regarding the rise of prostitution activities that are troubling residents because it disturbs public peace and order.

According to him, the causes of the rise of prostitution activities are economic and social factors of the community, as well as neglect in carrying out religious values or norms. In addition, infrastructure conditions on Kalimalang Street, which have minimal lighting, also trigger these activities.

"The condition of the dark road is complete without public street lighting. They also make pedestrians on Jalan Kalimalang to peddle themselves. Some of these prostitutes have even just entered the world of prostitution and are still young," he said.

The practice of prostitution along Jalan Inspeksi Kalimalang, Bekasi Regency, starting from Pasir Sari Village, Tegal Danas to those leading to Karawang Regency, has actually been going on for a long time.

The local government from year to year carried out enforcement activities as carried out by the Bekasi Regency Satpol PP with the TNI/Polri last night but this practice always reappeared.

It takes more than routine raids to eliminate these activities and the most important thing is the commitment and support of all elements of society, government officials, and law enforcement officers so that Bekasi Regency is free from disturbances to security and social order caused by prostitution practices.

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