
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police deployed 250 joint personnel to secure the demonstration carried out by online motorcycle taxis and the Indonesian Online Drivers (Drone) community regarding the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM) in the Block S area.

"We have prepared 250 personnel from the Polda, Polres and Brimob," said Head of Operations Section (Head of Ops) of the South Jakarta Metro Police Adjunct Police Commissioner Ruslan Idris, quoting Antara, Friday, September 16.

Ruslan said officers would monitor the situation of the meeting to monitor and avoid traffic congestion around the location.

Ruslan hopes that application-based motorcycle taxi companies and online motorcycle taxi drivers can reach an agreement.

"We are only preparing and helping their mediation. Hopefully there will be an agreement from the meeting later," he said.

Previously, the online motorcycle taxi driver community on behalf of Drone will meet representatives of companies that own online transportation applications on Friday after discussions with the police.

"Friday is 16 at 13.00 in Block S," said South Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief AKBP Harun when met, Jakarta, Monday.

Harun said that his party had conveyed communication between the mass of action and the online motorcycle taxi application company.

Later, the masses will meet with the online motorcycle taxi application company in the Block S area to follow up on the demands of the protesters.

"Come there for a meeting. It will be discussed there later," he said.

Masses of online taxi drivers from Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) last week also packed the Pasaraya Blok M shopping center, South Jakarta to demand an increase in tariffs due to subsidized fuel prices.

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