JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini motivates three beneficiaries with health problems and physical disabilities in Aceh Province during their visit.
Social Minister Risma hopes that beneficiaries will still have confidence in their presence.
"Hopefully he can get his spirits back because this is not the end of everything," said the Minister of Social Affairs when he saw the condition of the three in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs at Sentra Darussa’adah Aceh quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.
The three beneficiaries are Muhammad Syairazi (14 months) a boy from North Aceh who suffered a heart leak, Azkiya Ramadhani (17 months) a boy from Simeulue Island who suffered from an intestinal blockage, and Muhammad Khaidir (24) an adult from North Aceh who had physical disabilities.
Since receiving reports related to two children with severe illness and an adult with physical disabilities in Aceh, the Minister of Social Affairs immediately instructed his staff at the Darussa'adah Aceh Center to provide treatment and assistance.
Social Minister Risma took the time to see their condition firsthand. In addition to visiting, the Minister of Social Affairs also provided assistance which is a form of collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and us bisa.com in an effort to ease their burden during the treatment process.
From the platform we can get.com, Syairazi received financial assistance of Rp129.6 million, Azkiya received financial assistance of Rp61.1 million, and Khaidir received financial assistance of Rp117.5 million.
In addition, the three also received assistance for Social Rehabilitation (ATENSI) from the Ministry of Social Affairs, each Syairazi Rp24.9 million, Azkiya Rp15.6 million, and Khaidir Rp19.1 million.
The Minister of Social Affairs said the assistance handed over was in the form of cash with varying amounts for each recipient. The financial assistance was collected through fundraising on the platform we bisa.com.
"I would like to thank the donors, as well as Kita bisa friends, who have been helping us to ease the burden on our brothers and sisters who really need help," said Social Minister Risma.
The assistance, continued the Minister of Social Affairs, came from donors all over the country. Through fundraising activities from us bisa.com, the Ministry of Social Affairs feels very helpful, considering that there is no budget for it. He hopes that the program will continue to run to help people in need throughout Indonesia.
The three beneficiaries in Aceh received special attention from Social Minister Risma after news about the serious illness suffered by the three circulated widely on social media some time ago.
To support the need for treatment in the long term, the Ministry of Social Affairs provides entrepreneurship assistance in the form of goat farming to Syairazi's father.
Meanwhile, related to the treatment of the child in Langsa City, Sentra Darussa'adah in Aceh and Sentra Bahagia in Medan together to provide assistance during the treatment process.
The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to assist and support Azkiya's daily needs, such as providing nutrition, daily clothing, and school supplies, including coordinating with the Simeulue District Social Service regarding family conditions on Simeulue Island.
In response to Khaidir's case, the Ministry of Social Affairs coordinated with the local puskesmas and the North Aceh Social Service to carry out X-rays and release of pens that were still at Khaidir's feet. This is done so that Khaidir does not need to depend too much on other people. The Ministry of Social Affairs is committed to continuing to assist the operating process until post-operative, as well as the strengthening training process for Khaidir's legs.
The Ministry of Social Affairs is also trying to get Khaidir to receive Huni Decent House (RLH) assistance so that he can stay safe and comfortable as soon as surgery is carried out.
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