
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) has summoned three reporters related to Effendi Simbolon today. Among them, Youth Organization Panca Marga, Ormas GMPPK, and NGO Antarctica. Antarctica NGOs reported Effendi Simbolon to the DPR's MKD regarding his statement stating that the TNI was like a gang of mass organizations. "Even though we have apologized to the TNI but not to mass organizations, that's why on September 14 we wrote a letter to reduce it in the regions because Antarctica is also already in 25 provinces," said Chief Justice of the Antarctica NGOaksi Sitorus at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, September 16. warna say, pihaknya telah diterima dan sudah berkomunikasi dengan Anggota MKD DPR Maman Imanulhaq yang juga selaku pimpinan rapat. Maman, kata dia, menyampaikan laporan akan berjalan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku di MKD. warna say, pihaknya ingin agar Effendi Simbolon diberi sanksi oleh MKD agar menjadi efek jera dalam berufaan ke depan. "We believe in the MKD to impose sanctions so that the deterrent effect on figures, public figures, namely members of the council, will become a deterrent effect later. We are sure that the MKD will give sanctions later," said flow. gaskan, ormas seluruh Indonesia meminta agar permohonan maaf Effendi Simbolon dilakukan secara terbuka. Dia menyatakan, pihaknya akan menghadiri pemeriksaan Effendi Simbolon pada pukul 14.00 WIB nanti. "Personally, we have forgiven mass organizations, because humans are not perfect," he concluded.

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