
DIY - The head of the Gunungkidul BPBD, Purwono, said that his party had stopped the distribution of clean water to areas affected by the drought. It is known that the rain has fallen several times in Gunungkidul.

"The distribution of clean water to the community is emergency and situational. So, it can be stopped if there is clean water available in the community, and there is no more demand from the community," said Purwono in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Thursday, September 15.

He said the distribution of clean water had been stopped since Friday, September 9. Because heavy rain with moderate intensity has flushed the Gunungkidul area. The rain began to fill the community's rainwater reservoir (PAH).

"Until now, no new applications have been received," he said.

Purwono said that during the 2022 dry season, the Gunungkidul BPBD had distributed 368 tanks of clean water to people affected by drought. The clean water tanks prepared for this year are 1,400 tanks.

"The most dominant clean water distribution to Kapanewon/Sub-districts of Purwosari, Panggang, Saptosari, Paliyan, Rongkop, and Nglipar. This area is in the red zone with a very high drought rate," he said.

Furthermore, he said that based on the weather forecast from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the peak of the dry season had passed last July.

Currently entering the transition period of the season or transition. BMKG predicts the intensity of rain will be higher on the second basis of October 2022.

Purwono believes the number of water tanks distributed this year is less than last year. The main factor that causes this dry season is that it tends to be wet.

"Nevertheless, the Gunungkidul BPBD will still provide clean water distribution assistance to the community if there is an application," he said.

The Head of the Gunungkidul Public Works, Public Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPRKP) Irawan Jatmiko assessed that the clean water distribution program was only temporary.

"Aid like this needs to be minimized. Currently, we are expanding the reach of clean water networks for the people of Gunungkidul through Pamsimas facilities, Pamdes, to PDAM pipeline networks," he said.

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