
JAKARTA Tiana Migasari (40), a victim of a luxury house fire on Asyafiyah Street, Cipayung District, East Jakarta is reportedly still alive. In fact, previously, Tiana was reported to have passed away after undergoing treatment at Cipto Mangun Kusumo Hospital (RSCM), Wednesday, September 14.

The hospital doctor team who handled Tiana managed to make a heart rate after the victim's heart rate had stopped. Currently, Tiana's condition is back in critical condition.

This news was conveyed by Fatih Baihaki, as the Head of LMK RW 03, Cilangkap Village. According to Fatih, information about the condition of the victim's heart had stopped, but his heart rate returned after a heart rate was carried out by the doctor.

"Indeed, the initial information was that Maghrib at 18.00 WIB received information that his son died at 17.45 WIB. His mother also had a heart condition, then was assisted (cardiac arrest) and a cardiologist finally returned, but now his condition is getting more critical," Fatih told reporters, Wednesday, September 14, evening.

Fatih confirmed that the condition of the victim named Tiana Migasari (40) had not yet died.

"The victim's mother has not yet died," said Fatih.

Meanwhile, the body of the victim's child with the initials, Sultan Saquile Apparel (6) will be buried on Thursday, September 15, tomorrow morning.

"The body will still be taken care of in the morning around 09.00 WIB. The funeral hole will be completed directly, God willing, it will be buried around 10.00 WIB in the morning," he said.

Previously, it was reported that after undergoing intensive treatment at hospitals, mothers and children who were victims of a luxury house fire on Jalan Asyafiyah, RT 007/003, Cilangkap Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, who was critically finally died on Wednesday, September 14, afternoon.

Kedua korban bernama Tiana Migasari (40) dan Sultan Saquile Apparel (6) anaknya, akhirnya mengeluarkan terakhirnya di rumah sakit. Namun setelah dilakukan upaya perusak cardiac, kondisi Tiana kembali hidup dan kondisinya masih kritis.

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