JAKARTA - The PDIP faction of the DPR responded to the order of the Army Chief of Staff, General Dudung Abdurachman, who apparently gave directions to TNI AD soldiers in various regions to criticize members of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives Effendi Simbolon who called the 'TNI is like a mob'.
The chairman of the PDIP faction of the DPR, Urut Adianto, admitted that he did not know about Dudung's orders to his subordinates to protest Effendi Simbolon. However, he hopes that everything will calm down as usual. Moreover, Effendi has apologized to the TNI.
"Hopefully after this everything will become cool again and the TNI can serve as usual. If you are asked if we understand the movement there, of course we don't," said Utut Adianto at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 14.
According to Utut, Dudung as Army Chief of Staff has a baton that can be used to order soldiers to make the atmosphere cool and peaceful.
"Let's be the region of the Army Chief of Staff. Mr. Army Chief of Staff has a command baton, a command stick is not just a stick, this makes those angry so they don't get angry. We, our job is to defend it," said the chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Previously, a video circulated by the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman, who directed the ranks of the Indonesian Army to respond to the statement by members of Commission I DPR RI Effendi Simbolon about 'groups'. In the 2 minutes 50 seconds long video, it appears that Dudung is holding a video conference with the ranks. On Dudung's left, there is Deputy Chief of Army Staff (Wakasad) Lt. Gen. Agus Subiyanto.
The following is Dudung's direction to the ranks of TNI AD officers regarding Effendi Simbolon's statement which was recorded in the video:
We are fighters, so we are heroes. Don't be a vegetable chicken, I'll see it's all quiet. I'll see on the 26th I prove it to you... Don't just keep quiet. Who is he? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Our self-esteem, our honor, why was trampled on by him. Because I know he also got the wind of the problem, so we all sat down, silent.
In the future, there will be no more people like that. I have been taught what to say in the media, don't blame our soldiers later angry, our soldiers. Our soldiers are in the group, in the group, in the enlisted group, already hot, the non-commissioned groups are already angry. Why are we a group of officers taking it easy?
What are you afraid of being released from his position? or what? Danrem, dandim, I also look relaxed, lulling his position. Don't get used to it, I ask you, okay? Please move, empower FKPPI and all kinds of things not to accept the submission of Effendi Simbolon, massive, do it, no one should be afraid.
Don't be afraid that you will be removed from all kinds of things, I am responsible. So I ask for this to prove it, don't be silent then, afraid that your rank and position will be removed. You can prove what I did... (the words are not clear). The rank and position are Gusti Allah, God who regulates, not anyone, not anyone.
So you don't have to be afraid if your pride and honor are trampled on, why are we silent? I don't see any Lt. Col., the colonel said, the 1st star, 2nd star spoke in turmoil, I saw nothing. Just keep quiet, and he finally feels like he won. I emphasize again that there are no more users of Effendi Simbolon to beg to the region.
Don't be afraid of us, you don't have to be afraid. It doesn't matter, Commission I doesn't have any effect. He only asked for work. Commission I is a lot of good, everything is good except for him, Effendi Simbolon, the others don't exist.
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