
JAKARTA - Bripka's lawyer Ricky Rizal alias RR, Erman Umar, said that his client had given information following the scenario made by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo regarding the series of premeditated murder of Brigadier J. According to him, this was done because Bripka RR was collected and directed shortly after the shooting in Duren Tiga occurred. "(Bripka RR collected, ed) That if I'm not mistaken it's in the Provos, it might be Sambo who plays the role there," Erman told reporters, Tuesday, September 13. At the meeting, Bripka RR was asked to provide information according to the scenario, namely, Brigadier J died as a result of a shootout with Bharada Richard totaling or E. However, Erman did not know the details of who was collected. The reason is that he did not read the contents of the examination report (BAP) in its entirety. This lawyer only remembers that his client was collected on July 8, the night. "The day it happened, that night," he said. However, currently Bripka RR has provided information outside of the scenario. To the special team investigators, he conveyed that Brigadier J was not killed by a shootout. But because he was killed. The series of actual events was revealed by Bripka RR when the investigative team came to his family. They asked Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's former aide to tell the truth. "He turned around after maybe Richard (Bharada E, ed) opened and he was also visited by his wife's younger brother so he asked to speak properly," he said. At that time, the scenario of the shootout was finally refuted. The mystery of Brigadier J's death finally began to be revealed. "At that time he started to talk the truth," said Erman.

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