
CILACAP - A fertilizer transport car was hit by a train at a railroad crossing in Kawunganten Lor Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency, Tuesday, September 13. "The incident occurred at 00.50 WIB in the early hours of Tuesday. It was reported at 01.00. That there had been an accident between the Kahuripan Train 301, No. Loko. CC. 2018304 majoring Malang-Jakarta with a truck loaded with fertilizer with an E 8720 LA plate." said Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, in a written statement, Tuesday morning, September 13.

Gatot explained, initially the truck loaded with fertilizer from Kalijeruk Village was about to take fertilizer to the Klaten area, passing the railroad crossing at the gate. Arriving at the crime scene (Tkp) because the doorstop was still manual so the truck was hit by a train with Loko CC. 20198304 who was about to pass and were dragged as far as 20 meters. There were no fatalities in the incident, but the victim suffered minor injuries to the head and severe damage to the truck.

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