
PANDEGLANG - The Pandeglang Police Satreskrim managed to arrest YN (45) a resident of MekarJaya, Cikedal District, Pandeglang Regency because he impregnated his underage girlfriend. As a result of YN's actions, the 16-year-old girl did not attend school for several days, causing the teacher to come to the victim's house. Since then the case has been uncovered.

Kasatreskrim Polres Pandeglang AKP Fajar Mauludi when confirmed confirmed the incident, he said that the perpetrator had been detained at the Pandeglang Police Station

"The perpetrator was arrested on Thursday (September) at his home in Mekar Jaya Village, Pandeglang Regency," Fajar said in a written statement, Monday, September 12.

Fajar explained that the incident started when the victim's teacher visited the victim at his home.

"Initially the victim's school teacher visited the victim's house and it was found out that the victim was pregnant because of the perpetrator's actions. Then the teacher reported to the victim's parents who were followed up by reporting him to the Pandeglang Police," said Fajar.

During the examination, it was discovered that the victim had been carrying out the action for approximately 2 years.

"The perpetrator has committed approximately 10 times his depraved acts against the victim, whom he has known for more than 2 years. The perpetrators usually carry out their actions at the victim's house," explained Fajar.

The victim was promised to be married by the perpetrator so that he was willing to follow the perpetrator's wishes. "The victim and the perpetrator have been dating for two years and was promised to be married," said Fajar.

Currently, the perpetrators are being held at the Pandeglang Police Station for further investigation.

"The perpetrator was charged with Article 82 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 82 paragraph (1) of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Determination of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years and a fine of Rp. 300 million," concluded Fajar.

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