
JAKARTA - The area around Monas, Horse Statue and Harmoni was closed by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit.

The closure of the road access was due to demonstrations against the increase in fuel prices (BBM) by a number of Islamic organizations in the Horse Statue area, Monas, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 12.

"The flow diversion engineering was carried out on Jalan Medan Merdeka. The transfer was carried out situationally," said Head of Traffic at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Kompol Purwanta when confirmed, Monday, September 12.

The demonstration in the Horse Statue area this time was carried out by around 5,000 people. In order to unravel the congestion around the Palace and Monas areas, Central Jakarta Satlantas deployed as many as 60 traffic members.

"Cursage can still be neutralized. Engineering is only diverted by currents to reduce the circulation of currents here. 60 members have been deployed," he said.

The closure of the traffic flow section was carried out on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat towards the State Palace, Jalan Veteran III and Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara towards the State Palace.

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