
BANDARLAMPUNG - A joint team from the Bandarlampung Police and the Lampung Police Mobile Brigade arrested 46 motorcycle gang members in five Bandarlampung areas, after they patrolled together.

"We are together with Brimob with units at the Polresta and the ranks of the Polsek from early morning until this morning we carried out joint patrols, in the context of hunting to anticipate motorcycle gang brawls, then illegal racing," said Head of the Sabhara Unit. Bandarlampung Police Commissioner Suwandi quoted by Antara, Sunday 11 September.

In addition, joint officers also confiscated a number of sharp weapons and 34 motorbikes. "We also found several sharp weapons, namely two sickles, three swords, two machetes, one gear, and one negel," he said.

He said that of the 46 people who were arrested, almost all of them were students. "The average children are students, almost 90 percent of students," he said and they will coordinate with schools, especially their parents.

"We will call parents and the school to better nurture them, and for those who are proven to be carrying sharp weapons we will investigate," he said.

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