
JAKARTA - The East Java Provincial Government has participated in formulating policies or cheap house regulations to provide housing for underprivileged people.

"To realize cheap housing, a regulation must be formulated that facilitates the process in the field. It must also be ensured that implementation in the field is carried out according to the rules," said East Java Governor (East Java) Khofifah Indar Parawansa at the Grahadi State Building in Surabaya, Saturday, September 10 morning.

In addition to policy support or regulation, Khofifah also emphasized the importance of synergy and collaboration in creating a decent house for the community.

For example, the East Java Provincial Government in collaboration with Kodam V/Brawijaya has renovated 1,952 uninhabitable houses into decent housing specifically for poor people.

This year, the program was implemented in 11 regencies/cities by renovating the houses of residents who are not feasible, both buildings and sanitation.

"This residential housing renovation program is an important part in building an accelerated development process from all elements in East Java," he said.

Meanwhile, due to his commitment to building houses for low-income people (MBR), Khofifah received an award as the Head of the Favorite Regional for Caring for Public Housing, which was granted by the Association for Development of Community Development and Housing (Himperra).

"Alhamdulillah, this award is certainly not the result of my personal performance. However, every time I achieve this achievement, it is the fruit of hard work, synergy, and collaboration from all parties. Mainly in realizing the development of people's housing in East Java," he said.

According to Khofifah, this award can be a trigger for the East Java Provincial Government to continue fighting for the rights of the people in getting an equal and prosperous life, including to get a decent place to live.

"Hopefully this can be a source of enthusiasm for all of us, so that we can continue to fight for and meet the needs and improve the welfare of the people," he said.

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