
JAKARTA - The Lebak Regency Government is optimistic that the disbursement of Village Funds (DD) from the central government will be able to overcome poverty. Later, the Village Fund will be diverted by infrastructure development and economic improvement in the area. "We encourage DD to prosper the village community," said Deputy Regent of Lebak, Ade Sumardi in Citorek, Lebak Regency, Saturday, September 10.

Through the distribution of DD, which was rolled out by President Joko Widodo since 2014, he said, Lebak Regency is currently free from status as underdeveloped areas.

Currently, he said, infrastructure in villages in this area is relatively good, such as village roads and environmental roads, including semi-permanent bridges and suspension bridges.

In addition, the economic growth of rural communities is getting better, because DD can be allocated for the training and development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). "We are expected to get DD of around Rp250 billion for 340 villages and it is certain that it can roll out community economic growth," said Ade as quoted from Antara. He mentioned that in particular the DDs allocated by the APBN, each village received between Rp700 million-Rp1.2 billion with priority use for development and community empowerment.

He expects the use of DD for community economic business activities to increase their income and for village economic business activities to increase village revenue. He explained the importance of the potential of the village being explored to generate economic income for the community and villages. "I think the productive economic business results are directly felt by rural communities, so that they can eliminate poverty and unemployment," he said.

Head of Kadu Rahayu Village, Bojongmanik District, Lebak Regency, Asma Sutisna, said that so far the use of DD has improved people's living standards for the better.

He said DD could be used to build infrastructure and the economy. "We feel relieved that the Village Fund is right so that the target is ensured that people's welfare will increase," he said.

Head of the Social Section of Sobang District, Lebak Regency, Rusli, said that in that area there were 10 villages that were still in remote categories, namely Sindanglaya, Cilebang, Cirompang, Citujah, Hariang, Majasari, Sobang, Sukajaya, Sukamaju, and Sukaresmi.

All villages in the area are located in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TN mediate) area.

"We encourage the disbursement of DD for the development of an ant sugar production business," he said.

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