3 Times In Prison, Criminal Kambulan In Serang Breakout When Wanting To Live Each Other
The suspect JL was shot because he wanted to run away when the police were looking for evidence/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police


SERANG - A robber in Curug District, Serang City was forced to shoot him in the leg for trying to fight the officers and fled when asked to show the location of the sharp weapon disposal that he had thrown away.

Serang Police Chief AKBP Yudha Satria said the perpetrator with the initials JL (35) had to be paralyzed because of efforts to fight back.

"Strict action was forced because they tried to fight back when they were asked to show the location of the evidence," said AKBP Yudha Satria, in a written statement, Thursday night, September 8.

Yudha also explained that after officers fired hot bullets, the perpetrator was again arrested.

"The suspect was arrested after his left leg was exposed to hot lead. Then he was rushed to the hospital for treatment before being secured to the Serang Police," said Yudha.

The perpetrator is known to be a recidivist who has been in detention houses 3 times and correctional institutions (Lapas).

Yudha said, the last case was carried out by JL on Tuesday, August 30 at the BK (31) house in Dukuh Village, Kragilan District, Serang Regency.

"The perpetrator abused the wife of the occupants of the house using a knife. The suspect acted inside the BK house at around 02.00," he said.

The perpetrator entered the victim's house by breaking the window using a screwdriver. However, when he was in the house, his actions were known. Knowing that there was a thief in his house, the BK tried to catch him until a fight broke out.

"Seeing that the husband was trying to catch the perpetrator, the victim's wife tried to help. However, the perpetrator took out a knife and immediately spread it into his left hand. Seeing his wife injured, BK then tried to help and the perpetrator fled with 2 cellphones," he explained.

The Resmob team led by Ipda Iwan Rudini then moved to the location to conduct an investigation.

"From the results of the investigation, the Resmob team managed to identify the perpetrators and immediately gave chase. In the early hours of Wednesday, officers managed to arrest the suspect at his parents' house," Yudha explained.

The evidence that was secured from the suspect was a knife, a cellphone and a Honda Supra X motorbike which were used as a means of crime.

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