JAKARTA - Former General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) Said Aqil Sirojd highlighted the large number of police generals involved in the murder of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.
Said said the National Police are important institutions. Thus, he asked the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prasetyo to do a clean-up.
"The National Police is a very important institution in a country, even at the forefront of upholding security, serving the community, protecting and nurturing the law. Therefore, when the Police have a concern, we are all concerned. What happened to the body of the Police. What happened," Said said in a written statement, Thursday, September 8.
He said the shooting incident was also very surprising. Moreover, this incident came as a surprise after many parties were involved.
"This means there is something that must be dismantled and it must be dressed up," said Said.
Not only that, Said said, this condition could also be a step for the National Police Chief to clean up the internal Bhayangkara Corps. "It's clear. Introspection and evaluation and so on, especially the leadership," he said.
"When the National Police have a good name, then the nation is dignified. In the world, ideal Indonesian police will spread. On the other hand, even if the name Polri is destroyed, the world will see what we are like, meaning to degrade our dignity," continued Said.
Furthermore, Said also talked about news of online gambling, drugs, and other criminal acts that reportedly occurred internally by the police. He believes the community is behind the National Police Chief and provides support when he cleans his internals.
"What is clear, what we hope is that the National Police Chief is really clean, really clean, indiscriminately. We have to have horse glasses, there is no other consideration but one, upholding the truth. Rebuilding the image of the good name of the Police. Anyone who must be dealt with, must be dealt with. Don't be indiscriminate," he concluded.
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