
JAKARTA - The Lampung Regional Police held a code of ethics trial against members of the Central Lampung Police, Adjunct Inspector of Police Dua Rudi Suryanto (RS) who shot fellow police officers last Sunday, September 4.

"We will examine the alleged ethical violation by the National Police," said the Head of Professional and Security at the Lampung Police, Kombes M Syahran, to reporters at the Central Lampung Police Headquarters, Thursday, September 8.

In the code of ethics trial, the Lampung Police Propam Division presented 28 witnesses who will be questioned regarding the shooting incident.

"We held an open trial, but it was only open to internal. This is in accordance with existing regulations for the member code of ethics trial," he said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, added that the Aipda RS code of ethics trial took place in the jurisdiction of the Central Lampung Police.

"This examination process was carried out in a marathon for four days so that the suspect is currently undergoing a code of ethics trial," he said.

Arsyad hopes that this code of ethics trial can run smoothly with the witnesses presented for questioning.

"About 28 people who will be questioned in the code of ethics trial against Aipda RS. Hopefully this trial can run smoothly and now we are waiting for the results of the ongoing code of ethics trial," he said.

Previously, Zahwani Pandra Arsyad mentioned that the shooting case carried out by an individual member of the Central Lampung Police, Aipda RS, against Aipda Ahmad Karnain (41) was suspected of being due to a personal grudge.

"It is suspected that he had a grudge against the victim, the perpetrator shot him because the victim always exposed the disgrace or evil of the suspect who was an unscrupulous member of the police on duty at the SPKT Head of the Way Pengubuan Police of Central Lampung Police," said Arsyad during a press conference at the Central Lampung Police, Monday (5/9).

The police officer who shot his own colleague served as Bhabinkamtibmas. The shooting occurred on Sunday (4/9) at around 21.15 WIB at the victim's house.

"The victim was taken by his wife and neighbors to Harapan Bunda Hospital, but when they arrived there they could no longer be helped," he said.

Arsyad said that based on the results of the investigation and deepening in the work environment, residence, and the environment of the victim's family, his party received information that the victim had a bad relationship with the suspect RS in his work environment.

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