
YOGYAKARTA People are starting to question what remissions are after a number of corrupt convicts are finally released because they get leniency. Remissions are regulated in the Basic Shrimp Act, so they are legal. The VOI team will try to explain the understanding of remission to how to get it.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), remission has three meanings, namely reducing sentences given to people who are convicted, reducing symptoms of illness or loss of symptoms of disease for the time being, and exemption from debt, penalties, or obligations.

In addition to the KBBI, the meaning of remission is described in Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections. The law explains that remission is reducing the criminal period imposed on prisoners. The granting of remission must be carried out in accordance with the terms and provisions of the legislation.

It should be underlined that remission is not a reduction in prison terms, but a reduction in the sentence by prisoners.

In addition to being explained in the law, remissions are also explained in Permenkumham Number 3 of 2018. It regulates several types of remissions that can be obtained by prisoners. The type of remission is as follows.

General remissions are reducing the sentence given to prisoners when commemorating the Independence Proclamation Day of the Republic of Indonesia which falls every August 17.

Is a reduction in the sentence given to prisoners during religious holidays in accordance with the belief of the inmate or child concerned. If within one year there are several religious holidays, then the most noble day of the total year is chosen.

It is given to prisoners in several conditions regulated in Article 29 of Permenkumham 3/2018, namely prisoners who are sentenced to a maximum of 1 year, prisoners aged over 70 years or prisoners suffer from prolonged illness.

Additional remissions are reducing the prison term given to prisoners if he contributes to the state. The contribution in question is like being instrumental in the state, being able to provide benefits for the state and social environment, to helping provide guidance to the people in LAPAS.

Namely the remission given to prisoners who have received court decisions that have been in the inkht and have never received remission before.

The existence of remissions is given with a certain purpose. Quoted from Detik, Khayatul in his book entitled Compulsion of Theory and Implementation of Remission explained that the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly, had conveyed the purpose of remission.

The first goal is to fulfill the rights of prisoners and criminal children or children who are in conflict with the law (ABH). In addition, remissions are held to give appreciation to prisoners and crew members who are considered capable of improving behavior and improving self-quality and competence by developing skills for independent life in society.

The aim of remission is to provide opportunities and motivation to prisoners and crew members to get social welfare, education, and skills. Remissions also aim to save state budgets such as food and other necessities.

To get remission, prisoners must meet the requirements regulated in Permenkumham Number 3 of 2018. The general requirements are as follows.

In addition, there are several conditions that special prisoners must meet, such as prisoners of terrorism, narcotics, and narcotics precursors, psychotropics, corruption, crimes against state security, serious human rights crimes, and other transnational organized crimes. The conditions that must be met are as follows.

The convict has participated in the deradicalization program and stated his loyalty to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in writing and promised not to do it again.

Those are some information about what remissions are for prisoners. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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