
YOGYAKARTA - In the context of accepting new students from state universities (PTN) in 2022, teaching units and students are required to carry out account registrations on the website of the Higher Education Test Institute (LTMPT), especially first via https: // In contrast to 2021, LTMPT account registration activities for schools and students in 2022 do not coincide so that they can provide school opportunities to register and fill in the School and Student Data Center (PDSS). How is the new student admission system at PTN?

As reported by VOI from, in a press statement, the Chairperson of LTMPT, Mochamad Ashari, informed that since December 1, 2021, his party has socialized the Mechanism for New Student Revenue (PMB) at 75 Academic State Universities (PTN) for the Bachelor and D4 stages, 11 State Islamic Universities (PTKIN) and 39 PTN Vokasi (Steknik Negeri) through the streets of National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) and Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN).

The LTMPT Account Registration for schools starts on January 4, 2022; while the LTMPT Account Registration for students starts on January 10, 2022. The deadline for account registration for schools and students is the same, namely February 15, 2022. Followed by the determination of students who meet the requirements (eligible) by schools starting January 4 to February 8, 2022," he explained in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/1).

Meanwhile, PDSS filling begins January 8 to 8 February 2022. SNMPTN registration will take place on 14 to 28 February 2022. The announcement of SNMPTN Results is scheduled for March 29, 2022. There is an UTBK-SBMPTN ceiling and rates are borne by participants and subsidized by the government.

"There are various forms of public college entrance tests that will later be carried out offline, there are several things that some parties are involved in the process of entering universities ranging from parents, teachers or parents to students themselves in order to be able to prepare choices that are in accordance with interests so that lecture activities in the future can run well and in accordance with their initial goals," said the Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Plt. Director General of Higher Education), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Nizam.

SNMPTN is a selection according to academic points only or academic scores and other achievements regulated by PTN with a full government subsidy rate. Although SBMPTN is the selection of new student candidates for PTN according to the results of the Computer-Based Tubs Test (UTBK) alone, or UTBK results and other criteria that are shared by PTN.

The rate of imitating SBMPTN in 2022 begins with registration of an LTMPT account on February 14 to March 17, 2022. Specifically, the mechanism and socialization of the UTBK-SBMPTN will be carried out until April 15, 2022. Registration for UTBK-SBMPTN on March 23 to April 15, 2022. The work on the UTBK-SBMPTN will be carried out in two waves in 74 Sentra UTBK PTN. Wave 1 on 17 to 23 May 2022, and Wave 2 on 28 May to 3 June 2022. In 2022, the work on UTBK-SBMPTN will not be carried out in fasting months. The announcement of the results of the SBMPTN street selection is scheduled for June 23, 2022. The download period of the UTBK deed is on June 25, July 31, 2022.

Pemerintah akan memberikan bantuan pengajaran bagi siswa dari keluarga kurang secara ekonomi lewat Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Kuliah. Untuk itu, siswa semestinya mengajukan bantuan tarif pengajaran skema KIP Kuliah khususnya dulu. Info rinci bisa diperhatikan pada situs Pusat Layanan Pembiayaan Pengajaran di Info sah seputar SNMPTN dan UTBK-SBMPTN 2022 bisa diperhatikan lewat website Layanan Call Center pada nomor 0804 1 450 450 dan Help Desk via Untuk akun media sosial Twitter & Instagram LTMPT: @ltmptofficial, atau Facebook, Youtube dan TikTok LTMPT: LTMPT OFFICIAL.

The Director General of Nizam advised all high school/equivalent students to be able to choose a major in universities with the potential and interest expected. With such an optimistic, students will be able to work on lecture activities with more joy and be able to determine a viable professional alternative in the future.

In 2021, the university test ran smoothly without being accompanied by a meaningful incident or problem even though it was in the midst of a pandemic but could still be carried out offline and there were no new clusters of it. In the future, I really hope that the test can be carried out smoothly, successfully and able to lead Indonesian students to exist in higher education based on their respective interests and goals," he concluded.

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