Many Conditional Free Corruptors, MAKI Ask Prosecutors To Revocation The Rights Of Corruption Prisoners
The former governor of Banten, Queen Atut Chosiyah, was released on September 6. (Antara-Asep Fathulrahman)


JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) has asked the public prosecutor (JPU) to demand the revocation of the rights of convicts in corruption cases. The goal is that corruptors do not get remission or parole during their sentence.

"In addition to being highly punished plus revocation of the right to get a reduction. We must encourage that," MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman told reporters, Thursday, September 7.

Revocation of remission and parole rights for corrupt convicts is actually not new. The reason is that in other countries such as the United States, they have done the same thing.

Thus, the judge in the future must give a high sentence as well as revocation of rights. "The right is not only the right of politics not to participate in elections, for example the regent or regional head or the DPR but also to revoke the right to get a reduction," said Boyamin.

"And this is already in effect in America. Many cases have high profiles and then their rights are revoked to get a reduction."

Boyamin regretted the condition of a corrupt convict on Tuesday, September 6. However, he did not deny that the granting of the right was due to Law Number 21 of 2022 concerning Corrections.

So, this law should be reviewed again. "Because this is indeed in accordance with the minimalist provisions. The term is a minimal determination," said Boyamin.

"Minismalis itu bahwa memang aturan undang yang baru, Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2022 tentang Pemasyarakatan memang untuk bebas kondisi, remisi, dan semua macam memang menjadi hak semua penjarawan dan itu diberikan tanpa pertimbangan yang lain. Jadi seharusnya harus diproses lebih lanjut untuk dikaji," imbuhnya.

Previously, the Directorate General of PAS gave the rights in the form of parole to 23 prisoners such as Pinangki Sirna Malasari or Pinangki Prosecutor, former Banten Governor Ratu Atut Choisiyah, to former Jambi Governor Zumi Zola.

The provision of conditional rights is based on Article 10 of the Correctional Law Number 22 of 2022. There are rules related to remission, assimilation, visiting leave, boarding leave, leave before release, parole and other rights in the regulation.

The following is a list of corruption convicts who received parole:

Tangerang Class II A Prison

1. Atut Queen Choisiyah Binti Alm, Tubagus Hasan Shochib2. Desi Aryani Bin Abdul Halim3. Pinangki Sirna Malasari4. Mirawati Binti H. Johan Basri

Sukamiskin Class I Prison

1. Syahrul Raja Sampurnajaya Bin H. Ahmad Muchlisin2. Setyabudi Tejohyono 3. Sugiharto Bin Isran Tirto Atmojo4. Andri Tristianto Sutrisna Bin Endang Sutrisna5. Budi Susanto Bin Lo Tio Song6. Danis Hatmaji Bin Budianto7. Akbar Patricalist Bin Ali Akbar8. Edy Nasution Bin Abdul Rasyid Nasution9. Irvan Rivano Muchtar Bin Cecep Muchtar Soleh10. Ojang Sohandi Bin Ukna Sopandi11. Tubagus Cepy Septhiady Bin. TB E Yasep Akbar12. Zumi Zola Zulkifli13. Andi Taufan Tiro Bin Andi Badarudin14. Arif Budiraharja Bin Suwarja Herdiana15. Supendi Bin Rasdin16. Suryandharma Ali Bin. HM Ali Said17. Tubagus Chaeri Wardana Chasan Binsan18. Anang Sugiana Sudihardjo19. Amir Mirza Hutagalung Bin. HBM Parulian

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