
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi, confirmed that Ma'ruf Amin had no problem conveying his aspirations regarding the refusal to adjust the price of fuel oil on the sidelines of his working visit in Palembang, South Sumatra.

"The Vice President said that student demonstrations or other demonstrations were the rights of citizens. There was no problem for the Vice President that there were students or others who expressed their aspirations," said Masduki Baidlowi in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 7 evening.

Baidlowi's statement was related to the demonstration of students in Palembang City in the afternoon, coinciding with the passing of the Vice President's vehicle to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Palembang. A number of protesters reportedly tried to overcome the convoy of the Vice President's vehicles.

According to Baidlowi, Ma'ruf Amin is of the view that Indonesia is a democratic country, so anyone can express their aspirations. However, it is necessary to emphasize the submission of their aspirations must comply with the rules.

"The important thing is that it takes place in an orderly manner, does not violate the rules and does not occur anarchic. That is what is emphasized," he explained as quoted by Antara.

Baidlowi said the Vice President's trip to the airport went smoothly. Even though it had stalled on the way due to the demonstration, according to him, it was a normal thing and the security forces had made good arrangements.

"Security has made good arrangements so that the Vice President can continue his journey well, thank God," he said.

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