
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri reported his institution's achievements in 2022 to Commission III of the DPR in a meeting.

From January to August, Firli said that the KPK had taken 88 actions and succeeded in returning state assets worth Rp351.86 billion.

"We report to you, ladies and gentlemen, members of Commission III of the DPR that this action has carried out an investigation of 88 cases starting from January-August 2022," Firli said in a meeting, Wednesday, September 7.

Firli explained that the prosecution included the investigation of 79 cases, the prosecution of 80 cases, the inkrah of 75 cases, and the execution of 67 cases. "We have detained 84 special suspects from January-August from January to August," continued Firli.

Firli also said that the KPK had succeeded in returning assets from 67 cases with a total value of Rp351.86 billion.

"From asset recovery, we have carried out 67 cases, and of the 120 cases by obtaining an asset value of Rp 351.86 billion from January-August 2022," he said.

Then related to corruption prevention actions in 2021-2022, said Firli, the KPK has implemented a corruption prevention program with a percentage of 63.86 percent.

"As we reported earlier, the KPK also acts as a secretariat of the national strategy to prevent corruption, from 3 focus areas and 12 corruption prevention actions in 2021-2022, it has reached 63.86 percent," said Firli.

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