
JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman spoke about the issue of his relationship with the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa.

According to Dudung, the issue of not being harmonious was deliberately created by an irresponsible party to divide the TNI.

"Be vigilant, I convey, certain parties are trying to interfere, divide the unity and integrity within the TNI," said Dudung at the Army Headquarters, Wednesday, September 7.

Then, Dudung also emphasized that the internal TNI was very solid. The difference of opinion in the leadership element is a normal thing so there is no need to exaggerate.

"If there is a friction, there is a difference of opinion, I think everything in the field is the same. The Military Commander and the Kasdam must also have different opinions, the National Police Chief and the Deputy Chief of Police, the Army Chief of Staff and the Commander-in-Chief have different opinions that are normal. But this should not then be exaggerated," said Dudung.

In fact, the four-star general of the Indonesian Army asked all his staff to remain united. If anyone tries to damage or interfere with solidity, the TNI will face it together.

"I have ordered all ranks to be vigilant. Certain parties are trying to interfere with the solidity of the TNI, don't play games, we will face it together," said Dudung.

The relationship between the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurrahman is reportedly no longer harmonious. The Army Chief of Staff was never seen accompanying the TNI Commander in big moments.

For example, the annual joint military exercise of Super Garuda Shield on August 1-14, 2022, which was attended by more than 4,000 troops from 13 countries, was only seen by the TNI Commander.

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