
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) handed over the plundered assets of convicted corruption cases to three institutions, namely the Attorney General's Office, the State Civil Apparatus Commission, and the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said that if it was handed over, the three institutions had the responsibility to carry out management.

"We just carried out the handover of assets to the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office, to the State Civil Apparatus Commission, and to the Geoparsia Information Agency. We have submitted it and legally it is your responsibility to manage it," said Firli while giving a speech at the Handover of Seized Goods. from the KPK broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Tuesday, November 24.

Through a rhyme, Firli also advised that the assets handed over could be properly cared for and be beneficial for the performance of the institution.

"In the river fishing for fish, fish swim in thick water. We have submitted this asset, please take care of it, hope it will be useful," he said.

There were four assets that were transferred to the three institutions and the total value reached Rp. 56 billion.

To the Attorney General's Office, the KPK handed over two assets. The first asset is a land area of 135 square meters and a building area of 166 square meters. The value of this asset is IDR 1,592,840,000, located on Jalan Raya Semat, Gang Jalak 17A Number 22 Tibubeneng Village, Kec. North Kuta, Kab. Badung, Bali Province. This asset is a state booty originating from a corruption case and money laundering crime with the convict Ojang Sohandi.

The second asset given to the AGO is land and buildings located in Pela Mampang Village, Kec. Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province. The land area is 794 square meters with a building area of 734.75 square meters. This asset is valued at Rp. 12,374,400,000, which is state booty originating from corruption and money laundering cases with the convict Fuad Amin Imron.

These two assets will later be used as a mess. Assets in Bali will be used as a mess for the prosecutor on duty and assets in Mampang will be used as a mess for the Corruption Crime Task Force.

To the State Civil Apparatus Commission, the KPK handed over an asset in the form of land and buildings with a land area of 2,345 square meters and a building area of 1,040 square meters. This asset is located on Jalan Cipinang Cempedak II Number 25A RT 011/06 Kelurahan Cipinang Cempedak Jatinegara District, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province. This asset is a state booty originating from a criminal case of corruption and money laundering with the convict Fuad Amin Imron with a value of IDR 36,743,387,000.

According to the plan, this land and building will be used by KASN as an office because this institution still rents offices in a number of areas in Jakarta.

Then to the Geospatial Information Agency, the KPK handed over assets in the form of land with an area of 48,220 square meters worth IDR 5,775,406,000. This asset is located in Barengkok Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. This land is state booty originating from corruption and money laundering cases with the convict Lutfi Hasan Ishaaq.

This asset is planned to be used by BIG as a Center for Human Resources Education in the field of Surveying and Mapping. In addition, this agency will use this land as a location for performing equipment calibration.

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