
LAMPUNG - Lampung Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Pol Akhmad Wiyagus removed the position of Head of the Way Pengubuan Police Sector AKP M Ali Mansyur as a result of the police shooting the police.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Zahwani Arsyad, confirmed that Mansyur had been transferred to the Central Lampung Police.

"Mr [Kapolda Lampung] the head of the Regional Police has issued a letter of transfer of duties in the context of evaluating the performance of the head of the Way Pengubuan Police," he said, in Bandar Lampung, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, September 6.

At the Central Lampung Police, Mansyur served as Head of Subdivision of Facilities and Construction.

His replacement for leading the Way Pangubuan Police was Police Inspector One Andi M Putra, who was previously the first officer at the Central Lampung Police.

The transfer of tasks Based on the telegram number: ST/709/IX/KEP/2022, dated September 5, 2022.

"Hopefully, with the replacement of the new police chief, he can carry out close supervision of the personnel he leads and this is also a refresher for the ranks. Immediately adjust to be able to carry out tasks to anticipate security and social security in his jurisdiction," he said.

Previously, a police officer at the Way Pengubuan Police, Adjunct Inspector of Police Two AK, died while in front of his house in Bandar Jaya Barat Village, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung, Sunday night, September 4.

AK, who is a Bhabinkamtibmas in Putra Lempuyang Village, Way Pangubuan, Central Lampung, was allegedly shot by a fellow police officer, Adjunct Inspector of Police Two RS, a provoost at the Way Pengubuan Police, Central Lampung Police.

The deadly incident was discovered by a local witness when he heard gunshots and screams for help on Sunday night. On that incident, AK was rushed to Harapan Bunda Hospital but the victim could not be helped. Within approximately three hours the Tekab 308 team managed to catch the hospital.

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