
YOGYAKARTA - The increase in new online motorcycle taxi tariffs (ojol) will be officially announced by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) on Monday (5/9). The new price of ojol will be issued Monday afternoon following the rising price of fuel on Saturday (3/9). Then how much is the price of ojol per Km?

The increase in the price of ojol per kilometer after the increase in fuel was a demand from ojol drivers. Previously, the government had conveyed that the discourse would increase the rate of ojol on August 14. However, the policy was postponed twice. The tariff increase plan on the 29th has also been postponed until now.

The Ministry of Transportation decided to postpone the new tariff policy for ojol because it was necessary to conduct a review. It takes into account the situation and conditions that are developing in the community.

At that time, Adita also stated that the amount of the increase in the number of online motorcycle taxi rates would also be reviewed by the Ministry of Transportation. This means that the rate of tariff increases in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation in 564 of 2022 will be revised.

The new motorcycle taxi policy is divided into three zones, namely zone I, zone II, and zone III. Each zone has different tariff provisions.

Zone I covers areas: Java (other than Jabodetabek), Bali, and Sumatra. Zone II includes Greater Jakarta: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Zone III covers areas, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara and surrounding areas, Maluku and Papua.

The cost of services is below IDR 1,850 per km.

The cost of services is an upper limit of Rp. 2,300 per km.

The minimum service fee is between IDR 9,250-IDR 11,500. The previous tariff was IDR 7,000-IDR 10,000).

The lower cost of services is Rp. 2,600 per km. The previous tariff was Rp. 2,000.

The cost of services is an upper limit of IDR 2,700 per km. The previous tariff was IDR 2,500.

The minimum service fee is between Rp. 13,000-Rp. 13,500. In the previous Kepmenhub, it was Rp. 8,000-Rp. 10,000.

The cost of lower-end services is Rp. 2,100 per km.

The cost of services is an upper limit of Rp. 2,600 per km.

The minimum service fee with a service fee range is between Rp. 10,500-Rp. 13,000. In the previous Kepmenhub it was Rp. 7,000-Rp. 10,000.

The Online Drivers Association (ADO) demanded a minimum increase in new ojol tariffs by at least 30 percent. This demand arose in response to the policy of increasing fuel prices. They also asked for online taxi prices to be adjusted to the current fuel price.

Taha Syafaril, Chairman of ADO, also asked the government to reduce the discount by about 10 percent. So far, many of the cut and application commissions are still above 20 percent. Drivers assess that this amount reduces revenue quite largely.

Meanwhile, Rubi W. Purnomo, Senior Vice President of Gojek Corporate Affairs, revealed that his party always obeys the policies and regulations imposed by the government. He also stated that his party continues to strive to provide the best service for the people who use Gojek, both drivers and customers.

The plan to adjust the new ojol tariff is the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 564 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculation of Services Fees for the Use of Motorcycles Using for Public Interest.

That's an explanation of the price of ojol per Km after the increase in fuel. The policies taken by the government have gone through a long process of discussion and research looking at the conditions and developments in society.

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