
JAKARTA - President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the launch of an investigation on Sunday after a grenade launcher exploded at a children's event in Chernihiv, Ukraine and injured several people.

Fifteen people, including eight children, were injured in an accident at an unplanned military equipment exhibition on Saturday, local officials said.

Of the four victims, four of them were said to be still in hospital on Sunday.

"Two people directly involved in the tragic incident in Chernihiv have been detained on suspicion of committing a crime," President Zelensky said in a video of his evening speech.

"The State Investigation Bureau is conducting a criminal process," he continued.

Separately, Viacheslav Chaus, head of regional government Chernihiv, earlier on Sunday said on Ukrainian television the government had not been notified of a military presence at the public event.

"If there is a message that there will be soldiers, then we will intervene in such a situation and the military will not take part in such an event," said Chaus.

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