
JAKARTA Ex-imported clothes with various brands are currently loved by teenage boys and girls.

No wonder the import used clothing business is running and is rife on social media and offline stores.

kinan, Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Excise Type Madya Customs (KPUBC TMP) C Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah akan memertikan seluruh pakaian bekas impor ilegal yang ada di daerah ini. Why?

"We will control all clothes used for illegal imports in Palangka Raya City and cooperate with relevant agencies," said Head of KPUBC TMP C Enforcement Subsection Palangka Raya Andrianto, quoting Antara, Sunday, September 4.

Andrianto said this control was carried out to protect the public to be more careful in using used clothing products, especially when checked in the laboratory, this contains mushrooms which if used for a long time will damage the skin.

"This import of used clothing damages the domestic industry. Trade of used clothes is not prohibited, but not those from imports. But we must be proud to use our own domestic products," said Andrianto.

He added that he would not hesitate to bring order and secure the sale of clothes that were used to be imported illegally, especially by officers and so on.

"We apply the same, if it violates the applicable provisions and rules, we will confiscate them," said Andrianto as well.

In addition, he conveyed, the security is also related to protection for the domestic textile industry and textile products. This is because the import of used clothing damages the domestic industry.

"We only carry out security as well as want to educate the public about the dangers of wearing used clothes. One of them is the fungus earlier, so that people can be even more careful," he said.

Previously, KPUBC TMP C Palangka Raya confiscated 27 bales of illegal imported clothes in a place in the Jalan Temanggung Tileung area, Menteng Village, Jekan Raya District.

"Until now, the confiscated goods are still there and intact. And it is planned to be destroyed while waiting for technical instructions from the leadership, mas," he said again.

Andrianto also said that imports of illegal used clothes often enter through small ports or commonly called rat ports in Indonesia.

"Usually entering through rat ports from various countries. For that, we continue to coordinate with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in conducting surveillance," he said.

Former clothes are goods that are prohibited from importing based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 18 of 2021 as amended by the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 40 of 2022 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 18 of 2021 concerning Goods Prohibited from Exporting and Goods Prohibited from Importing.

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