
JAKARTA - The government has officially announced an increase in fuel oil prices (BBM), especially the types of Pertalite, diesel and Pertamax. The Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI) also warned the government not to raise food prices.

The chairman of the YLKI Daily Management Tulus Abadi asked the government to guarantee that the supply chain for food commodities was not significantly affected after the increase in fuel prices.

Furthermore, Tulus also reminded that distribution channels should be simplified and launched. That way, said Tulus, it does not cover the price of food.

"Don't make the increase in fuel prices for aji while raising food commodities, and other commodities," Tulus said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, September 4.

Tulus juga meminta pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah harus tetap memberikan subsidi pada transportasi umum, atau insentif lainnya. Sehingga pun tariff transport umum mengalami kenaikan paska kenaikan harga BBM, kenaikan tariffnya tidak terlalu tinggi.

"The high increase in public transportation will actually be counter productive for the fate of public transportation itself, because consumers will be abandoned, and move to motorbikes," he said.

In addition, said Tulus, the increase in fuel prices must be followed by efforts to reform the allocation of fuel subsidies. This means that the recipient of the fuel subsidy is truly the rightful community.

"By name by address, not like it is now. According to a World Bank study, 70 percent of fuel subsidies are not right on target, because they are enjoyed by middle and capable groups. This phenomenon should not be allowed to happen," he explained.

For your information, the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has officially adjusted the price of Pertalite and Solar Subsidy subsidized fuel types. For the new price, the government price priced Pertalite which was previously Rp7650 per liter to Rp10,000 per liter. Solar subsidy which was previously Rp5,150 per liter rose to Rp6,800 per liter.

This price increase has been effective for an hour since it was announced that this price adjustment was at 14.30 WIB. This was conveyed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif at a press conference with President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, yesterday, Saturday, September 3.

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