
JAKARTA - The Pesanggrahan Sector Police (Polsek) investigated allegations of beating city transportation (angkot) drivers and their girlfriends by a group of people in the Ciledug Raya area, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.

"The results of the inspection at the location, there was indeed a commotion on the road. This case is still under investigation," said Pesanggrahan Police Chief Commissioner Nazirwan, Jakarta, Saturday, September 4.

Nazirwan confirmed that there was a commotion by a group of people on Thursday, September 1, at 02.00 WIB.

His party is still conducting an investigation so that they cannot provide more details. According to Nazirwan, the witness who was at the crime scene (TKP) did not yet know the motives of the group of people who carried out the alleged beating.

"The investigation is still ongoing because the sources and witnesses at the crime scene do not know the motive," he said.

Based on the Instagram account @recordjakarta, residents saw an angkot driver and his girlfriend allegedly being beaten by a group of people near the campus in the Ciledug area.

Initially, the angkot driver and lover were seen chasing the perpetrator who was suspected of stealing a cell phone (mobile phone) from the couple.

After successfully arresting the person suspected of stealing, then a group of people suspected of being friends of the person came and beat the couple.

The motorists who passed through the location tried to intervene and help the couple. However, the gangers immediately fled after the incident.

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