
SURABAYA - The government's decision to increase fuel prices (fuel oil fuel) has brought in pros and cons. Many refused, but there were also those who supported the decision.

Economy observer at the University of Surabaya (Ubaya) Prof. Wibisono Hardjopranoto MS said the government's decision to increase fuel oil (BBM) prices was very appropriate.

"It should have been up for a long time (BBM), and subsidies were given to the right people," he said when confirmed in Mojokerto, East Java, Saturday night, September 3.

He said many luxury vehicles were found queuing up to buy subsidized fuel at gas stations, this which he judged was not on target.

"This is an iceberg phenomenon, which can be seen how many leaks it leaked. The state budget has broken," he said.

Ia mengakui, dampak kenaikan BBM adalah terjadinya inflasi. Namun, dari kacamata ekonomi akan terkena inflasi adalah mereka yang masuk dalam fixed income group.

"This means that people are affected by inflation of citizens who are unemployed, or are affected by COVID-19," he said.

He said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini's explanation regarding fuel was also good because the subsidy was fixed.

"So, why is the subsidy of people a problem, because population administration is not good. It shouldn't be missed, Mrs. Risma's explanation was that there was control. Judging by the house, the roof of the house, it deserves not getting subsidies," he said.

He admitted that the most affected by the increase in fuel is the logistics transportation sector, but the government must be prepared for inflation.

"So that the government cannot remain silent and must provide assistance to fixed-income group residents, namely residents with unsatured income due to inflation," he said.

He said, one of the efforts that can be done is that the subsidies provided by the government must be accelerated, plus not diverted from fuel subsidies.

"The fuel subsidy is given to people, if possible, it depends on the ability of the state budget," he said.

He also encouraged the district, sub-district, village heads, RW, RT levels to help carry out population administration for the right subsidies.

"Because I see that so far many of the officials' families have received this assistance. That's a sign that there are still many leaks," he added.

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