JAKARTA - The Surabaya City Government, East Java, has begun distributing direct assistance for fuel oil (BLT BBM) "door to door" or from house to house to beneficiary families (KPM) in the city, Saturday, September 3.
Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi said, starting today BLT BBM is distributed at several points of "City of Heroes". This distribution is carried out by the Social Service (Dinsos) through PT Pos Indonesia.
"Hari ini sudah disalurkan BLT BBM. Ada beberapa titik yang disalurkan melalui Kantor Pos. Ini datanya (penerima) dari DTKS (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial) yang ada di Kementerian Sosial," katanya. dilansir dari Antara.
Meanwhile, Head of the Surabaya City Social Service (Dinsos) Anna Fajrihatin said BLT BBM in Surabaya was distributed to 71,906 KPM. Thousands of KPM locations are spread throughout the City of Heroes.
"Later, the distribution will go through the Post Office mechanism. As for today, we are distributing it through door to door. At the same time to check the condition of the KPM," said Anna.
He explained that the fuel BLT was distributed for four months, namely in September-December 2022. For each month, he said, KPM received IDR 150 thousand in cash and was distributed in two stages.
"For the first phase of September-October, it will be distributed this month, Rp. 300 thousand. Then November - December, it will be given in the second stage of Rp. 300 thousand around December 2022," he said.
According to him, the criteria for receiving BLT BBM are the same as the previous social assistance KPM, namely, KPM has been recorded in DTKS and has been verified by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. "Just like before, this KPM is recorded in DTKS. Then it has been verified by the Ministry of Social Affairs and deserves assistance," he said.
Sebagai tahap awal, Anna mengatakan, BLT BBM di Surabaya disalurkan secara door to door ke 50 KPM di wilayah Krembangan Selatan, Kecamatan Krembangan. Sedangkan untuk penyaluran berikutnya akan dilakukan melalui Kantor Pos.
"We are coordinating with PT Pos Indonesia. The names (KPM) by Name By Address (BNBA) will be handed over to us, which will then be given to the lurah and sub-district head for acceleration and a distribution schedule will be made," said Anna Fajrihatin.
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