
TANGERANG - Tangerang City Police have named six people as suspects in the destruction of the portal that has been built by Pakuhaji District, Tangerang Regency at the Padipadi tourist destination. The report was carried out by the Pakuhaji District which was vandalized by six people with the initials BTK, 57, AWS, 62, BRH, 62, HH, 45, SS, 24, and AGS, 46.

The sub-district head of Pakuhaji Asmawi said the portal was established by peace and order (Trantib) in Pakuhaji District, because the owner of Padipadi did not have a Building Permit (IMB).

"We see that there is no permit but only there is to pay taxes. If there is a regional regulation of 9/2020, the reference is based on regional spatial planning. We check the documents, there is no IMB permit, we finally take action," he said, Tuesday, August 30, 2022.

For information, Regional Regulation Number 09 of 2020 explains the Amendment to the Regional Regulation of Tangerang Regency Number 13 of 2011 concerning the RTRW of Tangerang Regency.

In addition, according to Asmawi, Padipadi was also considered to have violated health protocols when the number of COVID-19 transmissions in Tangerang Regency was rising.

"Padipadi is not just building, but it's a tourist spot, Saturday Sunday is full there, when COVID-19 is at its highest," he said.

Asmawi said, because of the jt Trantib, Pakuhaji District also established a portal at the entrance to the location with the intention that Padipadi immediately took care of the IMB. However, he continued, the portal had disappeared in Padipadi which forced the Trantib of Pakuhaji District to make a report to the Tangerang City Metro Police.

"Report to the Resort Police by my Director Trantib, I'm annoyed that I was told not to operate before taking care of the permit, there was no warning, the portal was finally installed. Not long after, the portal was revoked, so that it would be revoked, the government wanted to be fought, installed again portal, after it was lost," he explained.

Of the six perpetrators who have been named six suspects, one of them is a local farmer who is considered to have helped operate Padipadi. While the other two with the initials BTK and AWS are owners of Padipadi.

"There are already six suspects, one of whom is a local farmer who is considered to have assisted in Padipadi's operations, it's a pity. And the two that were delivered were owners," said Padipadi's attorney, Zevrijn Boy Kanu.

Boy explained that the suspects were reported at the Tangerang Metro Police with the police report number N0 LP/B/500/III/2022/SPKT/Restro Tangerang City/Polda Metro Jaya dated March 29, 2022, on charges of Article 170 of the Criminal Code or Article 406 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

Article 170 of the Criminal Code itself explains the issue of anyone who is publicly faced with committing violence against people or goods, being sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of five years and six months. Or commonly called the destruction of goods or public facilities.

"Actually, because there are vehicles still in the location and vehicles that enter, the portal is spontaneously removed, and after completing the entry and exit of the portal vehicle, it is re-installed as before without any damage," he explained.

The reason, said Boy, is that his party also does not know who the mastermind behind the removal of the portal is, aka still a mystery. The determination of the suspect against the six people above was considered to be an oddity and raised a big question mark.

"Because we don't think there is an examination process first, as a witness and so on, summons too. Suddenly being a suspect means that there is a legal defect here," he said.

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