
JAKARTA - Argentina's vice presidentdez survived the attempted murder on Thursday, September 1 night. Even though the weapon was directed right in front of his face.

The killer failed to carry out the action. The gun did not erupt from a very close distance to the target.

This incident caused a stir in Argentina.

Vice Presidentdez was not hurt a bit in the incident. Security forces who were 'lossed' immediately arrested cemetery Fernández.

The man attempted to kill the vice president as he was surrounded by a large crowd of supporters outside his Buenos Aires residence around 9 p.m. local time, President Alberto Fernández said.

From the video footage circulating on social media, at that time the vice president was greeting his supporters near the white vehicle. From the crowd, suddenly a hand holding a gun appeared and pointed at his face.

The hand appeared to have pulled a trigger a few inches from his face and a click was heard, but no shots came out. The mob then turned around and knocked down the gunman.

The gun was filled with five bullets, according to the president.

"A man pointed a firearm at his head and pulled a gun," he said in a nationwide broadcast following the incident, quoted by NBC News.

The alleged attacker, identified by the authorities as a 35-year-old Brazilian, was quickly arrested by police and his weapon was seized. NBC News has not verified the man's identity. It was not immediately clear whether he had a legal representative or what the motive was.

"We may disagree, we can have deep differences of opinion, but in democratic society, hate speech cannot occur because it gives birth to violence and there is no possibility of violence coexisting with democracy," the president said.

"Our vice president has been attacked and socio-peace has been disrupted."

Fernández, vice president, previously served two terms as president of the country from 2007 to 2015. He is a politically strong and polarized figure in Argentina.

He faces charges of alleged corruption during his tenure as president, a charge he has consistently and vehemently denied.

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