
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives will hold a cycling and running sporting event this weekend. P20 Friendship Ride and Fun of the House of Representatives was held to boost the socialization of the Summit' Parliamentary Speakers' Summit (P20) which was held in the series of G20 Summits.

"The DPR RI as a legislative institution plays a role in the success of Indonesia's Presidency at the G20 through P20. The implementation of the P20, which is a forum for the parliamentary chairman of the G20 countries, will be a momentum in strengthening collaboration to face global challenges in the future," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Friday, September 2.

The P20 meeting with the theme "Stronger Parliament for Sustainable Recovery" is also in line with the theme of the G20 Presidency, namely "Recover Together, Recover Stronger". Puan said, P20 will discuss four priority issues, namely the acceleration of sustainable development and the green economy, food and energy security and economic challenges, then regarding effective parliament and dynamic democracy, to the issue of social inclusion, gender equality and women's empowerment.

The four topics of discussion are very relevant in the context of global recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. Including in dealing with various global actual problems that are currently being faced," continued Puan.

The DPR will pay attention and focus on the issue of food security which is part of the issue of sustainable development and a green economy. This is because the impact of climate change has been felt now, starting from the increasing temperature, natural disasters, the emergence of various diseases, as well as crop failures in a number of areas.

"This cannot be allowed. The parliament of the G20 countries must encourage government policies in their respective countries to be able to implement sustainable development and a green economy for the survival of human life on this earth," said Puan.

Environmentally friendly activities, such as cycling and running, are one of the real movements in participating in maintaining the environment so that it remains sustainable. Vehicles that are free of pollution and environmentally friendly are alternatives to efforts to save the environment," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

As the host, the DPR hopes to make the P20 event a success which will be held in October 2022. This of course requires support and participation from the people.

"The DPR hopes for support from the community considering that P20 is a prestigious international event that will make Indonesia proud," said Puan.

The Secretary General of the House of Representatives (Sekjen), Indra Iskandar, P20 Friendship Ride and Fun will be held next Sunday, September 4. The starting and finish lines are located at the DPR Building Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

"The P20 Friendship Ride and Fun of the DPR is being held to maximize socialization to the community," said Indra.

Indra said the cycling and running event was in accordance with environmental issues that would be discussed in the P20. Moreover, cycling and running have also become the lifestyle of the Indonesian people.

"After more than 2 years of being trapped in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, this event is expected to be a fun moment for the participants while still prioritizing health protocols," he said.

The P20 Friendship Ride and Fun activity of the DPR has the theme Nusantara.

"With the theme Nusantara, the DPR hopes to introduce Indonesia in the eyes of the international community," concluded Indra.

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