
TANGERANG - A man with the initials TF (19) was arrested on suspicion of stealing vehicle parts at a Workshop in Lontar Village, Kemiri, Tangerang Regency. Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol Raden Romdhon Natakusuma confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Friday, August 26.

"A man with the initials TF was arrested by the Mauk Polresta Tangerang Police," said Raden in his statement, Friday, September 2.

The incident began when an employee (witness) saw the door of the workshop open and the conditions inside were messy. Realizing the situation, the witness was sure that there had been a theft.

The witness also contacted the owner of the workshop and reported the incident. After being examined, it was discovered that a number of items in the workshop had been missing.

"The owner of the workshop or the victim then contacted several other workshops to inform the incident. The owner of the workshop also asked other workshops to inform if anyone sold workshop goods," he said.

Not long after, the victim was contacted by another workshop which informed him that there was a man who wanted to change the vehicle oil. The owner of the workshop suspects that the person is the perpetrator of the spare parts thief.

The suspicion was felt strongly by the owner of the workshop. Because the perpetrator came to his place with his own motorbike oil.

"The victim then reported the incident to the Mauk Police, who then immediately arrested the TF suspect," he said.

To the police, TF admitted to carrying out the action with his friend with the initials D who is now on the People's Wanted List (DPO). "The suspect TF admitted that he did it with D, who has now been designated as a DPO," he said.

"The TF suspect also admitted that he had committed theft 5 times, specifically for vehicle workshops," he added.

In addition to arresting the perpetrators, the police also secured evidence in the form of dozens of bottles of various brands of oil, spare parts of vehicles such as chains, brake canvases, fan belts, buses, air filters, and lights. Losses are estimated at Rp3,385,000.

Now for his actions, the suspect is charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a sentence of 7 years in prison.

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