JAKARTA - The Tegal Police revealed a shooting case that occurred in Bayalangu Hamlet, Pedeslohor Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency. The Tegal Police Chief, AKBP Arie Prasetya Syafaat said, the perpetrator was named Dirto while the victim was named Casbari. Dirto is Casbari's younger brother. The shooting incident that occurred in Pedeslohor Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency was motivated by revenge.
AKBP Arie Prasetya in a written statement, Thursday 1 September said that
the perpetrator intended to shoot his own brother, Casbari. This was done based on instructions from his parents, namely Tarwad.
"The motive was Tarwad's frustration, because during his life there was a lot of trouble for him and his family," explained Arie Prasetya.
So, he continued, a plan for this murder was made together with Dirto, the second son of Tarwad, who agreed to kill Casbari by being shot.
“Then Tarwad gave Dirto 6 million to plan the murder. So Dirto bought an air rifle worth IDR 2.5 million which is planned on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at 11 pm," explained Arie.
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For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 340 subsidiary 338 in conjunction with Article 335 with the threat of death or life imprisonment.
Previously, a 40-year-old man, a resident of Pedeslohor Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency, was the victim of a shooting. The victim named Casbari suffered head injuries. Casbari was declared dead when he was rushed to the hospital. The victim was allegedly shot by his own brother, Dirto, inside his house on Tuesday, August 30, at 23.00 WIB.
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