
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Nurul Ghufron reminded regional heads, both governors, regents, and mayors in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) not to be corrupt.

This was conveyed by Nurul Ghufron at the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of the Integrated Corruption Eradication Program in 2022 with the KPK leadership at the Graha Bhakti Praja Building, the NTB Governor's Office in Mataram, Thursday, September 1. The event was attended by governors, regents, mayors, forkopimda, and DPRD leaders in NTB

"If the goal of becoming an official is wealth, then let's return it to its original destination. Because actually being an official is to become a servant of the state and a servant of the people," he said.

Nurul Ghufron said corrupt behavior distances itself from the life of the nation and state. He mentioned that there are several causes of corrupt behavior. First, because of market damage.

An example of an economic doctor is definitely looking for good things in the market. Likewise, mothers in the market will definitely look for the best and cheapest goods. But for perpetrators of corruption, said Ghufron, how to look for bad goods and not good as long as there is a feedback, it must be received.

"If this is the case, the pillars of our identity will collapse as the people's hope. Because the people's money has been collected by state officials so that it is spent efficiently. But in front of state officials, no matter how corrupt the price is, it doesn't matter," he explained.

Second, continued Ghufron, corruption behavior is due to the breakdown of the democratic order. For example, to become governor, regent or mayor is not enough with Rp. 10 billion or Rp. 30 billion.

Ghufron highlighted the rampant money politics when running for regional head to members of the legislature. The tarnished behavior had an impact on the post-elected mandate because he had to return the favor for support when he ran as a candidate.

"This is not the KPK that launched it, but the Ministry of Home Affairs said. To become a regent of at least Rp. 30-50 billion and governor of Rp. 100 billion. For example, the salary is Rp. 100 million a month, once a year Rp. 1.2 billion, the five times Rp. 6 billion. Meanwhile, the cost is Rp. 30 billion to Rp. 50 billion. How not corruption, if this is already corrupt, it is no longer potential but for sure," said Ghufron.

For this reason, he said, those who undermine and tear up the unity of the Indonesian nation, are not only terrorists and radicalism but one of them is the organizers of a corruption state.

According to him, during 2022 the KPK has arrested no less than 1,400 people, including 23 governors, 44 regents and mayors, and many council members.

"Are the KPK proud of this. No, the KPK is sad and saddened by these figures. Because the KPK is not the maker of Indonesian law, it is called state-owned and insulted. But we want the face of Indonesian law to be authoritative in front of the international community because none of the state officials have been arrested for corruption," he said.

Therefore, he continued, the presence of the KPK in NTB is in the context of prevention. One of them is through increasing integrity, namely increasing dedication and orientation of public positions. Where public office is for the people. Furthermore, improving the governance system is both in state and government financial governance.

To avoid corrupt behavior, there is a definite, transparent, and integrated idea to avoid corruption. Therefore, his party hopes that no more regional heads in NTB will be arrested for corruption. The KPK wants Indonesia to be free from corruption.

"What we are doing and hope that Indonesia is clean of corruption, not because it was arrested, but because state officials have integrity and management is free from corruption," he said.

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