
JAKARTA - The National Police said there were three considerations from investigators so that they had not detained Putri Chandrawathi even though she was a suspect in premeditated murder of Brigadier J. Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto said the three considerations ranged from health, humanity, to children. "Investigators are still considering, especially for health reasons, humanity," Agung told reporters, Thursday, September 1. Kemudian, pertimbangan ketiga adalah mengenai anak. Diketahui Putri memiliki anak yang masih berusia 1.5 tahun. Sehingga menudahkan perhatian. However, Agung said that he had taken certain steps to prevent Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife from escaping. "Besides that, investigators have also banned PC mothers," he said. Apart from that, Putri through her lawyer stated that she would always cooperate. Thus, investigators have not made arrests. "The lawyer agreed to a cooperative PC," said Agung. Previously, Chandrawathi's daughter's attorney, Arman Hanis, claimed that investigators had granted the request for a suspension of detention submitted by his client. However, there are conditions that must be met by Princess Chandrawathi, namely being obliged to report. "We apply not to detain the princess but to be given a mandatory report," said Arman. It is mandatory to report that it is a form of suspension of detention and the suspension of detention can only be applied to suspects or defendants. So, in the mandatory reporting process, Putri Chandrawathi had to report her whereabouts directly to investigators twice a week. However, it did not specify how long the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo had to undergo the mandatory process of reporting it. Including, on any day, Putri had to meet with investigators. "Given to report twice a week," said Arman. For information, Putri Chandrawathi was questioned as a suspect on Wednesday, August 31. The examination lasted about 11 hours. Because, he is said to have started giving information at around 13.00 WIB and ended at 00.00 WIB. During the examination process, Putri was confronted with other suspects regarding the Magelang and Saguling events. However, until now Putri has not been arrested. Putri Candrawati is one of five suspects. In this case, she is suspected of Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

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