
YOGYAKARTA The Indonesian government continues to signal an increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM). In the midst of the discourse, President Jokowi also mentioned several types of cash assistance given to certain communities.

The social assistance is intended to maintain people's purchasing power even though they are under pressure from rising fuel prices. The discourse on providing social assistance was also conveyed by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

"According to President @Jokowi's instructions, to provide social protection pads and maintain people's purchasing power, the government will provide 3 types of additional social cushions," explained the Minister of Finance through his personal Instagram account @smindrawati, Tuesday, August 30.

The types of social assistance that will be given are as follows.

Minister Sri Mulyani explained that the government would provide assistance to 20.65 million KPMs (Beneficiary Families). The criteria for receiving social assistance are those who are included in 40 percent of the people who cannot afford it.

Social assistance for KPM is IDR 150,000 which is given 4 times. So the total BLT recipients are IDR 600,000.

The budget of IDR 9.6 trillion will be allocated for wage subsidies. Later, 16 workers who have a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million will each receive assistance of IDR 600,000 which is given once.

"The budget of IDR 9.6 trillion for wage subsidy assistance is IDR 600,000 for 16 million workers with a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million," said Sri Mulyani.

The Regional Government will also disburse assistance by disbursing 2% of the General Transfer Fund. The budget is taken from the APBN (DAU and DBH), which is IDR 2.17 trillion. Assistance is intended for perpetrators of public transportation, motorcycle taxis and fishermen as well as additional social assistance.

"And assistance by the Regional Government using 2% of the General Transfer Fund from the APBN (DAU and DBH) amounting to Rp 2.17 trillion to help with public transportation, motorcycle taxis and fishermen as well as additional social assistance," Sri Mulyani wrote.

On a different occasion, the Director General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance Isa Rachmatawar explained that the social assistance for ojol and fishermen will also be intended for vulnerable groups. According to him, this assistance is expected to be able to help the community in the face of the recent pressures and turmoil in price increases.

"This can help people in dealing with current price problems, such as rising food and so on," he said when met at the Ministry of Finance office on Monday, August 29.

As is known, the Government plans to divert the APBN budget which was previously used for fuel subsidies. For now, the Government is also preparing the best scheme related to subsidized fuel price policies, namely pertalite and diesel, so that quotas can meet the needs of the community.

Previously, subsidy expenditures and compensation disbursed by the government until August 2022 had reached Rp502.4 trillion, with details of energy subsidies of Rp208.9 trillion and energy compensation of Rp293.5 trillion.

The fuel subsidy budget is very large above Rp 600 trillion, which is enjoyed by the upper middle class. Only 5% of diesel subsidies are enjoyed by poor families. While pertalite subsidies - only 20% enjoyed by poor and poor groups.

Regarding the social assistance disbursement schedule, details have not been announced. However, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that President Jokowi ordered that social assistance of Rp24.17 trillion from the transfer of fuel subsidies could be distributed to the public this week.

That's the latest list of types of social assistance that will be disbursed immediately. To get more information, visit VOI.ID.

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