
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko became the first ministerial-level official to visit Nusa Penida Island, Bali, to review the project for the construction of a Hybrid Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Suana Village, Klungkung Regency.

The development carried out by PT. Indonesia Power will increase the reliability of electricity supply in the Bali region as well as support the acceleration of the pace of green energy transformation.

I really appreciate the development of the Hybrid PLTS Nusa Penida to encourage the pace of green energy transformation. What is more proud is that this huge potential is raised from the limestone hill area which is considered unproductive to produce something," said Moeldoko.

The construction of the Hybrid PLTS Nusa Penida has been carried out since March 2022 and is targeted for completion in October 2022 to support the implementation of the G20 Bali Summit next November. Currently, the construction process has reached 82 percent, so PT. PLN (Persero) is optimistic that this project will be completed on time.

This PLTS is projected to produce 6,387 MWh or equivalent to the needs of 3,000 homes. This hybrid PLTS environmentally friendly energy is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 3,200 tons of CO2 per year.

In addition, this PLTS will also support a decrease in fuel usage by 1,596,875 Literers/years equivalent to budget expenditures of Rp 19.4 T per year.

We need a healthy environment. This PLTS will reduce carbon emissions quite largely. Of course this is good for the future of Indonesian children," said Moeldoko.

On this occasion, Moeldoko explained that the current state bears a energy subsidy burden of up to IDR 700 trillion.

"If this can be suppressed, then the budget can be used to improve health and education services," said Moeldoko.

Please note, the construction of the Hybrid PLTS Nusa Penida also supports the government's achievements regarding the renewable energy mix which is targeted to reach 23 percent by 2025.

During his visit, Moeldoko together with the Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta, Commander of Kodim 1610 Lt. Col. Inf. Suhendar Suryaningrat and Klungkung Police Chief AKBP I Nengah Sadirta and the board of directors of PT Indonesia Power, also met construction project workers and appreciated their work. "Your work will be remembered for contributing to creating a clean environment, bringing changes to a good future and can attract tourism to Nusa Penida," he said.

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