
JAKARTA - Former Head of the Propam Police Division, Ferdy Sambo, filed an appeal against the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) hearing who fired himself as a member of the National Police, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, assessed that this was legal to do. Because it is a fulfillment of his rights.

"Of course, the person concerned has the right to file an appeal," said Sigit to reporters at the HI Roundabout, Central Jakarta, Sunday, August 28.

Regarding whether or not the Ferdy Sambo was accepted, Sigit said that all of this would still refer to the trial process later.

"Yes, we'll see," he said

On the other hand, Sigit explained the reason why Ferdy Sambo's resignation application was rejected. According to him, there are rules, namely through the Police Code of Ethics Commission or KKEP trial.

"Of course it is part of the process and later there will be another decision regarding the application in question. We see that this must be resolved in the KKEP trial process," he concluded.

Previously reported, Ferdy Sambo filed an appeal against the dishonorable dismissal decision from the National Police. Ferdy Sambo is ready to carry out whatever the appeal decision is.

"In accordance with Article 69 of Perpol Number 7/2022, allow us to appeal. Whatever the appeal decision, we are ready to be carried out," said Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in a code of ethics hearing, Friday, August 26 in the morning.

Ferdy Sambo initially stated his confession regarding the Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J case.

"We admit all our actions, regret what we have done to the Polri institution," said Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

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