
JAKARTA - The motorboat (KM) of Teman Niaga carrying 15 crew members was reported to have sunk in the waters of the Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi, due to bad weather. Four people have survived and 11 others are still being searched.

"Information obtained from the field is true that there are sinking ships, all of which remain on standby. Currently, they are still being handled by the Banjarmasin SAR Office", said Head of Operations for the South Sulawesi National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Muhammad Rizal, Saturday, August 27, quoted from Antara.

So far, the South Sulawesi Basarnas has been ready if needed to help search for the victims of the sinking ship if they are dragged by the current.

"We are only helping to calculate the movement of victims based on sea currents", said Rizal briefly.

Based on preliminary data received from Basarnas, the cargo ship type Bulk Carrier or Curah carrying cement belonging to PT Kembang Jaya Abadi Perkasa carried 15 crew members. The ship sank around Makassar waters.

The route for ships from Kotabaru (Tarjun) South Kalimantan Province to Biringkassi Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi.

Four people were declared safe each male on behalf of Muhdi Mufazzan (24) helmsman, Amir Effendi (19) helmsman, Roihan Hariri (19) sailor, and female Husniawati (20) helmsman.

While the other 11 victims, all men are still being searched, Wagirin (Nahkoda), Victor Agustinus (mualim I) Sunarto (mualim II), Eddy Hayani S (KKM), Poniman (masis II), Alfian Septiyanto (masinis III).

Furthermore, Kenedi (oil winners), Indarrobit Afnani (oil winners), Reynaldo Mangerongkonda (oil winners), Muhammad Fatir Maulana (classes), and Muhammad Adam Septi.

Information was obtained, on Thursday, August 25, 2022, at 16.00 WITA, KM Dharma Fery 3 while sailing from Parepare, South Sulawesi to Batulicin, South Kalimantan, at Coordinator 04° 07 44 S 117° 13 117 E, it was seen that four people were on a decree with the ship KM Teman Niaga's reverse condition.

The crew of the ship then carried out the rescue by evacuating four victims on board the ship. The victim was then taken to the Batulicin Ocean Port and immediately taken to Marina Permata Batulicin Hospital for medical treatment.

According to information from the survivors, Muhdi Mufazan stated, on Monday, August 22 night at around 22.00 WITA the ship sank due to bad weather with a distance of 96 Nautical Mile (NM) Heading 123 degrees to Biringkassi at a speed of approximately 6 knots.

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