
JAKARTA - The student team from the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta developed a solar-powered smart photovoltaic tile that could meet household electricity needs.

"Just like the average urgency. But this is equipped with solar cells that can be used as a source of electrical energy with self-cleaning glass so that dirt that sticks to the surface is easily cleaned by cellphone," said the member of the student team, Nifwan Arbi Nugroho, in a written statement in Yogyakarta, Friday 27 August.

The work on the smart solar-powered innovation was carried out by four students of the Faculty of Engineering UGM, namely Nifwan Arbi Nugroho, Lathief Nurmahmudi Wijaya, Muhammad Rafif Taqiyuddin, and Maulana Istar.

The UGM Student Creativity Program (PKM-KC) received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology.

Another member of the team, Lathief Nurmahmudi Wijaya, said that this solar tile advantage lies with the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology so as to facilitate the treatment process automatically from the device.

In fact, he said, with the technology of the public, they can find out the performance of the solar tile called the smart rooftop to the point of knowing the state of the surrounding environment.

"This smart stunt is equipped with a water sprinkler device connected to a smartphone device, the maintenance process can be carried out automatically when there is no rain," he said again quoted from Antara.

In addition, he said, there are various solar tiles such as temperature sensors, rain sensors, humidity sensors, LDR light sensors (Light Dependent Resistor), and power sensors that make users know their condition.

Even though it is only limited to research, he admits that this solar-powered smart tile will continue to be developed so that later more features can be added to the urgency and can be commercialized in order to provide benefits to the wider community.

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