
PASAMAN - The West Pasaman District Attorney's Office, West Sumatra, has again detained four tender committees for the construction of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for the 2018-2020 budget year, Friday, August 26 evening. The four people have the status of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who are suspected of accepting bribes and gratuities in determining the winner of the tender from PT MAN Energindo, which has been questioned by the public for IDR 700 million so far. Head of the West Pasaman District Attorney's Office Ginanjar Cahya Permana through Kasi Intel Elianto accompanied by Head of Special Section Andi Suryadi and Kasi Datun Novandi said the four people were former Head of the Procurement Service Unit with the initials AHS and three members of the Working Group (Pokja) or the initials LA committee, TA and YE. "With the detention of these four people, so far 11 people have been named as suspects. 10 of them have been detained and one suspect has been sent or received medical treatment due to illness," he explained, quoted from Antara. According to him, the four suspects have been examined as witnesses since 10:00 WIB. After getting enough evidence, the four were named suspects and detained after receiving an examination from the medical team. They wore orange vests with the words 'Corruption Prisoners' The four suspects were threatened with Article 2, Article 3, Article 5 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code and Article 11 in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code with a minimum threat of 1 year in prison, a maximum of 5 years, a minimum fine of IDR 50 million and a maximum of IDR 250 million. Until now, the West Pasaman District Attorney has named 11 suspects in the case of the construction of the West Pasaman Hospital with a ceiling of more than Rp134 billion. The 11 suspects are the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) with the initials NI, the liaison or third party with the initials HAM, the Director of PT MAM Energindo with the initials AA, the use of the activity budget or the former Director of the RSUD who is also the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) with the initials Y, BS, HW and the Director of Construction Management initials MY. Then four US, LA, TA and YE committees. Of the 11 suspects, 10 people were detained and placed at the West Pasaman Police Detention Center. Meanwhile, one suspect with the initials HW was sent off or received medical treatment due to illness. He explained that in the mega project case, allegations of bribery worth Rp. 4.5 billion were also found, construction losses were worth more than Rp. 20 billion and losses were also found in his plan. The suspect HAM has also returned to the prosecutor's office from the alleged bribery of gratuities received worth Rp3.8 billion on Tuesday (23/8). "The total bribes and gratuities that we have obtained in that case have reached Rp4.5 billion. However, we will continue to explore the issue of bribery and gratification," he said. He emphasized that he would not stop here and would continue to pursue other suspects and the parties who received the bribes and gratuities.

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