
JAKARTA - The TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto conducted unannounced inspections (sidak) of the three TNI Special Forces Command Headquarters, namely the Indonesian Army Special Forces Kopassus, Indonesian Navy Marines, and Indonesian Air Force Special Forces (Paskhas).

Military and intelligence observer Susaningtyas Kertopati said that the TNI Commander deliberately conducted an inspection on Thursday, November 19 to check the readiness of his soldiers, especially those from the special forces command to ensure they were ready to face the threat of the state anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, as the top leader, he does have an obligation to lead TNI soldiers to face any threats that may occur at this time.

"Inspection of special forces is actually common. However, if the state is in a precarious situation, of course, it means that the TNI Commander is checking the readiness of his troops to face any state defense threats," Susaningtyas said when contacted by VOI, Friday, November 20.

In addition, he considered, this inspection could be related to the return of the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab from Saudi Arabia since Tuesday, November 10.

"If there is a relationship (with Rizieq's return) it is a natural thing," he said.

Susaningtyas assessed that the TNI and Polri paid special attention to preventing acts of terrorism and various anti-Pancasila movements. This movement, he said, must be able to be suppressed because in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people need solidarity and work hand in hand, which is a reflection of the values of Pancasila.

"Not even that there are those who take opportunities and limitations by taking advantage of the situation for their personal or group interests by dividing the nation or disrupting the legitimate government, be it from groups acting on behalf of certain religions or certain political groups," he said.

In line with Susaningtyas, Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, said that the TNI Commander might have seen a potential threat that could divide the nation. So, he felt the need to prepare his troops, because this threat might need to be faced with the strength of the TNI.

"The question of whether it has something to do with Habib Rizieq Shihab's return, it is not certain. But there may be forces that are not visible from other parties and must be faced by the strength of TNI soldiers," he said.

"So as a precaution that nothing bad happens to the nation, the TNI is then alerted," added Ujang.

Previously, through a written statement, the Head of the TNI Puspen Colonel Sus Aidil said that the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto's inspection of the three TNI Special Forces Command Headquarters was aimed at directly checking the preparedness of the TNI Special Forces, if at any time it is needed for the assignment.

In the readiness rally in the three special forces units, Aidil said, it took an average of six minutes to assemble the complete troops and their combat equipment.

Arriving at the Kopassus Headquarters, the TNI Commander was greeted directly by Danjen Kopassus Maj. Gen. Mohamad Hasan and his staff were asked to gather all Red Beret Corps personnel to immediately carry out a preparedness rally. In front of Kopassus soldiers, the TNI Commander emphasized that the Red Beret Soldiers (Kopassus) were the proud troops of the Indonesian nation.

"You are the knights of the nation who are ready to be assigned to protect this country and nation from the threat and interference of the enemy who wants to tear apart the unity and unity of the nation. You are trained soldiers and in just six minutes, all soldiers are fully assembled with standard equipment," Marshal Hadi said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 19.

Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto advised all Kopassus soldiers to continue to train and train to always improve the combat performance of professional soldiers.

"Silence is your professionalism. Courageous, true and successful. Command ..., Command ...," shouted the TNI Commander.

The inspection was continued at the Indonesian Navy Marine Corps Headquarters in Cilandak. Arriving at the Marine Headquarters, the TNI Commander was greeted by Dankormar Major General TNI (Mar) Suhartono and his staff.

The TNI Commander requested that all troops in the Marine Corps, Hartono Cilandak, be assembled. The bell was sounded and the entire army immediately ran and gathered in the field. All troops wore uniforms and equipment, then lined up when they reached the field.

In front of the Marine soldiers, the TNI Commander said that preparedness was the main thing because soldiers had to be present in the community to win the hearts of the people.

"I feel proud, present in the midst of fighting soldiers. Unlike usual, I suddenly alarmed and I value the preparedness of fighting soldiers very well. Pride is honor. Therefore, it must be guarded and maintained," he said.

The last inspection was at the Halim Perdanakusuma Wing I Paskhas Base. Arriving at the Paskhas Corps Headquarters, the TNI Commander was greeted directly by Dankorpaskhas Marsda TNI Eris Widodo Y.

The TNI Commander assessed that the event held in Paskhas was very good because of its preparedness, and appreciated Paskhas regarding the tasks given and carried out well. In addition, the soldiers of the Orange Beret Corps are ordered to continue to improve their professionalism because professionalism is the breath of every soldier. For that keep practicing and practicing.

"The task of the TNI is to protect Mother Earth from harassment and threats or enemies who have evil intentions to trample the unity of the nation. Command ..., Command ...," shouted the TNI Commander.

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