
NORTH BARITO - The bodies of three passengers on a motorboat or kelotok ces that sank in the Barito River in the Buntok Baru Village area, South Teweh District, North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, were found.

"The three victims were found on Friday at different times, not far from the location where the disaster occurred, the local community found," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the North Barito Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Rizali Hadi in Muara Teweh, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 26. .

The location of the discovery of the three victims near the ferry port crossing Buntok Baru Village, South Teweh District, namely the first victim at around 09.00 WIB was found on behalf of Irwan Suseno (35) motorist (driver) kelotok ces.

Then the second victim was Mohammad Ilham Wiradhika (23). Meanwhile, the last body was found by Francisco Redi S (28) at around 11.30 WIB.

"The three victims were taken to Muara Teweh (Hospital) for a post-mortem," he said.

The incident occurred Wednesday (24/8) at around 18.00 WIB, a kelotok with four people including a motorist carrying three crew members (ABK) towing a crude palm oil (CPO) barge belonging to the oil palm plantation company PT Antang Ganda Utama to fetch clean water in the area. a spring located between the villages of Buntok Baru and Butong.

The kelotok ces sank when it was about to make its second water delivery, a statement from one of the surviving passengers named Ikhsan Maulana Lestaluhu (22) that they had time to swim but were difficult to pull over because of the current and were hit by the whirlpool of the Barito River.

The victim had shouted for help from the residents of Buntok Baru Village, after hearing the screams of the victim, the residents went to find the source of the sound, the residents had time to help one person, and when looking for another sound source, the residents could not find a friend of the victim.

Three other kelotok ces passengers, including Fransisco Redi S (28) and Mohammad Ilham Wiradhika (23) and Irwan Suseno (35), a motorcycle kelotok were missing.

The search team from the police, BPBD and assistance from local residents as well as a number of personnel from the Palangka Raya Basarnas.

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